So today marks the first day of autumn. We are seeing some cool stuff around the office that I wanted to make a quick comment on....
First and foremost--2009 has been the year of the Fungus! I've seen all kinds of cool fungi this year including your garden variety mushrooms, dead man's fingers fungi, and my favorite--dog vomit fungi (it looks exactly how it sounds). Above are scenes of the mushrooms in our fall mums. And although I have asked (and made fun of...) to remove them, they will stay! They will only last a day or two and I think they add a cool feature to our landscape right now. So although a lot of people want to get rid of them they really are beneficial and our soils are getting better thanks to their decomposing help. So if you can stand them, leave them be, they are making the soil healthier for your plants.
Second, and even cooler still....snails. Hundreds of snails are emerging from their hiding places due to all the recent rain. The question has been "What can I do to get rid of them?" Unfortunately--nothing. Once the sun comes out and the rains stop the snails will go back into hiding. Be patient, it's very temporary.
Happy Autumn!